Thursday, 19 July 2012

Bullet III

D.O.B 3pm 18th of July. Made in three sittings totalling 4 hours 40 minutes. The last one for the Bishops Kitchen Show!

Completed 19th of July 2012 at 9.50pm.
24th of September bisque fired. Bullet III didn't make it to the Bishops Kitchen show, so it will debut at the 'Hand & Wheel' show on the 30th of September.
26th September glazed and in the kiln. The kiln should come out tomorrow evening. (quick prayer to the kiln gods)
I have chosen eggshell crystal glaze on the textured band, clear gloss on the tips and lips, and around the base. I am hoping for a subtle effect that doesn't detract too much from the form. I am beginning to see that strong glossy colour swamps the shape and the texture of my shapes and I am working towards a more subtle effect that mixes bands of textured and matt glaze alongside unglazed surfaces.

Final firing completed 29 September 2012. The lustre has smudged around the lip. Substandard. This will be a second. I might take it to school for the kids to see.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Swan Pot III

I started this one at 10.20 on the 16th of July and busted out in a day!

I did 10.20 to 1 and had some lunch.
A long lunch because I didn't start again until 3pm. I worked till 5 when my husband got home I made dinner.
Then I did 6.45 to 9pm. A total 6 hours and 35 minutes to make it.

It now is drying waiting to be cooked.
24th September, bisqued to 1000, and today 26th September I glazed Swan III and it is currently in the kiln. It will go up to 1260 and has White, eggshell and clear gloss glazes with some areas on unfired clay.
29th September final firing. Subtle and elegant....

Monday, 9 July 2012

Bullet II

Conceived at 15:17 on July the 9th, in my living room....

11 July 2012
I have completed the making now. This one was 6 hours and 40 minutes. I have returned to some old ideas n surface that I didn't explore fully in the past.
Only two more pots left to make for the Bishops Kitchen show in Chichester Cathedral. I am not completely happy with the pieces I have to offer. But time is ebbing away and I must go with what I have. I am beginning to realise that I am never entirely satisfied with my work, the path always opens up wider with more things to improve and explore. Progress I guess you could call it if you were feeling optimistic!

Bit different what do you think? I am embracing the designs that have been rolling around in my head and sketch book for years. Each of the spikes are individually made and attached. I am thinking raw clay Gold and Green.... Inspired in part by Ernst Haeckel's scientific creations.

24th September bisque fired to 1000. Today (the 26th Sept) Bullet II went in for its glaze. It is a mixture of clear gloss, white semi matt and a strip of green. It will go up to 1260C. 

Final firing 29th September 2012. I totally love this one. Very decadent.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Swan Pot II

Started 12pm 4th of july independence day. One coil completed.

This is the initial sketch, I am going for the victorian ruff look on this one.

2.40 minutes

Around 3 hours

I got up to 4 hours 20 minutes.
9th July 2012
Another two and a half hours spent today. I am up to 6 hours fifty minutes on this baby.

24th Sept bisque fired to 1000C, and today (Wednesday 26th Sept) Swan II went in for glaze. I am keeping it simple, just clear gloss and a bit of gold lustre. I will post the outcome when it is born from the kiln!

29th September, final firing. Classic shape, just a touch of gold. Statement piece.