Hello all, hope you have had a jolly week.
My husband and I have been in Eastbourne on the south coast of England this weekend. We are considering relocating to the sea. Chasing the 'dream'. We are both applying for new teaching posts. (mine part time so i can concentrate more on my ceramics). The odds are against us I think, we need two new jobs and a lovely new home in a welcoming and friendly community that are forgiving of city types relocating to the countryside, a lot of things need to be at least partly right for it to work.
The reality of leaving London is much scarier than I thought. On one hand we are renting so there is no substantial financial risk. If it goes tits up we can always come back to london with our tails between our legs. No big deal. But still... new jobs, (if we both get jobs that is) new town new house. A lot could go wrong. BUT it is the dream. And we have to try it, one life, one very short life, if I die with out trying I will regret it. This time next week I will know if john got the job, and probably know if my application has been successful. I will keep you posted.
Back to the title of this post. New show, my first BIG show, please come along if you can, visit my stand say hello, tell me what you think.