Sunday, 30 October 2011

What a week!

Well, what a week! I worked my arse off all week only to find out that the show this weekend at the Tailor's Gallery was cancelled. But not to worry, I still got a lot done for the show at South Hill Park on the 19th and 20th of Nov. You might recall that this is my first big show so I have to build up a lot of stock, and I really really want to make a good impression!

Also the BIG MOVE has been causing stress and worry in
the Castaño household of late. The big dream of the big move has been a bit of an eye opener to how content we are with the current situation. We will be giving up comfortable successful jobs and a nice home to up sticks and Mr Castaño has been stressing. Only a few weeks to go now until the move. We need to find somewhere to live! Here's hoping it won't be a big fat c@&ck up!

In the mean time here are some pictures of bits I have been doing in the studio over the school half term...

See you next week.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Inspired by....

I am struggling along trying to build up enough for the shows I have coming up. I made a pot today that I realised it is very similar to the work of one of my favourite Potters

Her work

My new pot...

Quite similar, however I think Odundo's work is far superior. Just thought I would share that little moment with you!

By the way. I got the job!!

If you didn't read my last post, I was in the land of worry. My husband had been given a new job in a fantastic school by the sea (we are planning to relocate from the city to the sea) I was waiting for am interview to see if I would also get a part time teaching post specialising in ceramics and photography which are my two areas (of course ceramics is my favourite favourite!).

So the deal is double done. We are moving to the sea. I don't mean to sound ungrateful for all the luck we had getting two jobs so close to each other in a pretty corner of England..... But it is all so soon. John (my husband) is also struggling to get him head around our fast approaching new life away from old londinium. only 6 weeks until we move.

But in between now and then I have 4 show to make for and a full time teaching job, so I best get busy!

See you next week

Monday, 17 October 2011

Times they are a changing!

I am off for an interview for a part time job in Eastbourne tomorrow. We are going to make the big move to the sea whether I get it or not. The deal is done.

This will mean more time for the ceramics which will be brilliant. I seem to be getting more shows and things now and I need time to build up stock. I have been beavering away this weekend and these are the fruits of my labour in preparation for the show in November....

And finally me in a very serious posing picture, peering from behind my pot!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

A show, a show!!

Hello all, hope you have had a jolly week.

My husband and I have been in Eastbourne on the south coast of England this weekend. We are considering relocating to the sea. Chasing the 'dream'. We are both applying for new teaching posts. (mine part time so i can concentrate more on my ceramics). The odds are against us I think, we need two new jobs and a lovely new home in a welcoming and friendly community that are forgiving of city types relocating to the countryside, a lot of things need to be at least partly right for it to work.

The reality of leaving London is much scarier than I thought. On one hand we are renting so there is no substantial financial risk. If it goes tits up we can always come back to london with our tails between our legs. No big deal. But still... new jobs, (if we both get jobs that is) new town new house. A lot could go wrong. BUT it is the dream. And we have to try it, one life, one very short life, if I die with out trying I will regret it. This time next week I will know if john got the job, and probably know if my application has been successful. I will keep you posted.

Back to the title of this post. New show, my first BIG show, please come along if you can, visit my stand say hello, tell me what you think.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Jewellery Line

I have been developing a line of handmade porcelain jewelery. Each piece is totally unique. They are made as a development from my bigger sculptural pieces. They have been well received so far, I have sold a few and there has been a few comments and inquiries. I will be showing them at the next event at the Tailors Gallery in Noveber and at South Hill Park in November

What do you think? Any feedback would be great, too big, too small? Or too weird. I am going to get some more pictures of the being modeled in the fullness of time.

Brooch (H4cm W2.5cm)

Brooch (H4cm w3cm)

Stud Earrings (2cm diameter)

Earrings (2cm diameter)