Sunday, 30 October 2011

What a week!

Well, what a week! I worked my arse off all week only to find out that the show this weekend at the Tailor's Gallery was cancelled. But not to worry, I still got a lot done for the show at South Hill Park on the 19th and 20th of Nov. You might recall that this is my first big show so I have to build up a lot of stock, and I really really want to make a good impression!

Also the BIG MOVE has been causing stress and worry in
the Castaño household of late. The big dream of the big move has been a bit of an eye opener to how content we are with the current situation. We will be giving up comfortable successful jobs and a nice home to up sticks and Mr Castaño has been stressing. Only a few weeks to go now until the move. We need to find somewhere to live! Here's hoping it won't be a big fat c@&ck up!

In the mean time here are some pictures of bits I have been doing in the studio over the school half term...

See you next week.

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