Tuesday, 15 February 2022

New Designs

I am currently designing some new pots using curved forms, slip decoration, sgraffito and inlay of contrasting and harmonious colours. Below are some of the pots and plates I have been working on. I have been developing my skills in using the sgraffito technique and will continue to do so during my one day a week at home, making in my kitchen (not so glamorous, I know).  It will be slow, but hopefully consistent. After many years of refining my forms in my vessels, I feel happy with the shapes. It is the surface decoration that I have not been able to pin down, and that is where I find myself in my ceramics journey at this time. Trying to pin stuff down.

I am also toying with the idea of developing discourse on ceramics, by talking about it more here on this blog. My reasons for doing this? To increase my knowledge of ceramics and the history of ceramics and to talk about ceramics in the context of art. I am not a writer, at all. But I am very interested in learning more. This idea is embryonic, as in, I just thought of it this afternoon. And it is half term, so I have time to think about these things because I am not teaching Art & Design four days a week. SO maybe nothing will come of this idea. My four year old son just stomped in and is urgently requesting to know what I am doing, whilst peering through a kaleidoscope at my computer screen.....now he his brushing my hair. So I will take a break here....and see if I actually make it back.

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